As Soon As You Trust Yourself.. will know how to live.
Words by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. And they resonate with me deeply.
Trust is what life is all about. It is the thing that makes it possible for us to keep putting one foot in front of the other.
The last years I have (re-)discovered what trusting myself really means. How its undeniable power works and what living my life truly is.
Self awareness and confidence are the keys to trusting yourself. The good news is, you can learn and get better at these skills. It's part of improving and making your self dialogue powerful.
As a coach I keep on learning every single day and I love the (personal) interaction I have with my clients. I realize also more and more how trust influences us at every level, from how we learn, to how we love, to how we take care of our own well-being. When there’s no trust, you’re in (big) trouble.
I’m writing this article in the beautiful nature of Harz, in Goethe’s country Germany. Being on a roadtrip, commuting with nature and reading some of Goethe’s words. Here’s some more:
"Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can make anything happen."
Leave me a message in the comment section below, I’d love to hear from you.
- W.