Starve Your Distractions...

…and feed your focus.

For almost 6 years now my choice has been to focus my energy on my passion: (self) dialogue. After my previous roles as a military officer, government official and politician, I love being a social entrepreneur and serve as a speaker, coach and trainer in (self) dialogue. Since I don't have yet science backing up my statements about (self) dialogue, I am filled with enthusiasm to contribute to science in the field of sociology and psychology with my PhD research on (self) dialogue.

In those 6 years I have experienced the power of focus in my daily life. Every once in a while I reflect and see how I can take my focus to the next level. My latest example: from January 1st 2022 my online presence will be exclusively here on my website. No social media for me anymore. The thought alone creates a peace of mind, and I believe that a peaceful mind generates power. So if you want to be the first to know about my news, (political) blogs and more, you can subscribe to my mailing list. Also I will keep on improving my website so we stay connected with each other as easy and powerfully as possible - hence, you can now contact me directly via Telegram - see chat widget in the lower right corner of my homepage.

After almost 6 years I am taking my focus to the next level also by turning more inwardly and - if you connect to spirituality - spending time recoding myself and exploring the world inside me. My starting place is my own name: Wassila.

My name Wassila was not given to me by my parents but by my mother's childless friend Aicha, who happened to be with my mother when the first labour pains started. Wassila is derived from Islam and is an Arabic word to refer to the means to connect with the divine. For me divine, Allah, means one life, all that is.

I believe in oneness. I believe we as human beings are just different expressions of the one life that is. My expression is my passion, what I call dialogue - using the power of words to connect as human beings. The quality of the connection you create with others is determined by the quality of the connection you have with yourself. But I feel I am at a point in my life where I realise I barely scratched the surface of understanding what this all means. My PhD research proposal has known many versions, and all of them ended up in the trash. The more I starve my distractions, the more I feed my focus, the hungry I become to understand.

So I start with my own name. Wassila is derived from Islam so that’s where my journey of understanding starts. My next level of feeding my focus. As we speak I have just ordered The Holy Qur'an by Abdullah Yusuf Ali and Secrets of Divine Love - A Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam by A. Helwa.

If you read this and you know a book, video, or someone I should meet, please share your recommendations with me below this blog. I thank you from the heart.

- W.

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