The Answers You Seek...

...never come when your mind is busy, they come when your mind is still.

In the intuition training where I help people to bring their mind into stillness we call this centering. When you center it doesn't mean your mind is not operating, as a matter of fact, your mind operates at its best. When you center you hit the sweet spot: you are using both your logic and intuitive mind - what some people refer to as your left and right brain part. Another way to say it, you're using both your intellectual and emotional intelligence. That's why whatever you're struggling with in life, clarity and your right answers come naturally to you once you center - on a daily basis.

Centering means living from your natural state of being. We are wired this way, by nature, but some how when we grow up we seem to forget this and we get used to living in our head instead of our center. We tend to lean on our intellectual intelligence. In our Western society we are trained to not only use our mind but also to heavily rely on it. Analysing, rationalising and logic are dominating our way of living. It gives us a sense of clarity because we desperately need to feel that we are in control. This hunger for control leads to an artificial sense of safety. It is also harmful. We mistake our mind - and its thoughts - as who we are. But you have a mind, you are not your mind. The awareness that's capable of perceiving the mind and its thoughts, is who you really are. Most of us learn this the hard way. They fall into the trap of being totally consumed by the mind, till they are so out of touch with who they are that it becomes unbearable. They feel exhausted, their mind gets into the overdrive, until the mind engine burns out.

Have you ever experienced this? Maybe you are experiencing that you are living a lot in your head? Do you think and tend to overthink things? Does it feel like your mind runs your life? Are your thoughts flowing at such a speed that you feel like your mind is in control? Does it feel like you can not stop thinking? That it's hard to quiet your mind? Does it sometimes feel like you are having "voices" in your head? Don't worry, you are not crazy. It just means you don't center (enough) any more. It means you are not living the way you are wired to live, otherwise you wouldn't feel so bad as you are feeling. Something is wrong, something is out of place. Better said, something needs to be put back in its place: your mind.

Your mind wants to serve you. Your mind wants to be your best friend. A metaphor that I like using is that of "a dog". I have had a dog years ago, a beagle and his name was Novice. In this time as a dog owner, I heard about the notion "the dog as your best friend, you're companion in life". But pretty soon I realised that a healthy and happy dog, is a dog who experiences there's a boss in his life. The dog feels secure, safe and he loves exploring life from this place of trust. When the owner fails to claim his position as a boss and provide this security and safety to the dog, the dog will respond to this lack. He feels the need to take on this role of a boss to provide the safety and security needed. That's how a dog becomes aggressive and even a danger for others. It's says more about the owner and his lack of being a boss, than about the dog('s character). You don't have to be a dog owner to understand the concept. Just look next time you walk outside and watch closely when a dog and his owner are passing by, notice that a healthy and happy dog makes eye contact with his owner on a regular basis - like he's checking in with his boss.

Our mind is just like that dog. Our mind needs to have a boss. If the boss is lacking or not claiming his role fully, the mind takes over. And that's how you get a busy mind. A busy mind is your first warning that it's time to become aware who's in control inside of you. Your mind or you? The observer in you is who you really are. Your consciousness. The awareness that perceives the mind as being busy. That's what I call the real you. And the message is: make this you stronger. Claim your boss role in your life. How? Center. Center every day, every moment, as much as you can. Untill you do it naturally. And it's more than familiar to you. In my own best words to express this: you feel you are coming home to yourself. And when you are home, you feel safe, secure and you have clarity. Clarity is all what you need to find any answer you need in life.

What about you? Do you recognise your busy mind? Are you living from your center? Leave me a message in the comment section below, I’d love to hear from you.

- W.

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