How To Bring Out The Best In Your Team?

Be the best of you. At least start there and you'll discover your team is changing without much effort on your side. You probably have heard of the saying: be the change you wish to see in the world. For most people this saying tends to bounce right off the ears, making about as much impact as if you'd said nothing at all. But like with most sayings that contain wisdom, only when you experience through living - instead of only your intellect - you actually manage to understand the words in a profound way. And you better pay attention, because it's becoming more and more of great importance that you and your team bring in the best of yourselves when you step into the workspace.

You see more and more organisations and companies - no matter how big or small - are becoming aware that people are the greatest asset. Although it must be said that right now when you look closely, for most it still remains more a recruiting slogan. Sooner or later, the transition from window dressing to becoming serious about valuing your team is happening. Slowly but surely, we are becoming aware that the quality of the connection we create with others is based on the quality of connection we have with ourselves.

And that's a good thing. The extent to which an organisation or company achieves sustainable success increasingly depends on the quality of the people who work there - individually and as a team. This not only means bringing in the best people and understanding that money is no longer the biggest motivation for talents to choose who to work for. This means above all that it is becoming increasingly important that every person in the team - new or already in for many years - brings the best of him- or herself to the workspace. As a matter of fact, this also is becoming the most important reason why talents apply to work for your organisation or company.

Every human being has a talent and has the opportunity to tap into their genius. Unfortunately the majority of people doesn't bring in the best versions of themselves when they go to work. Different research - such as international surveys done by Gallup - show how low the engagement level is of people in their jobs and with their organisation or company. This means there's a huge opportunity for improvement with the same team of people right in front of you. My message to you: start tapping into your own genius first. How?

Start with meditation. The practice of meditation does not attempt to stop the many thoughts, it simply makes you aware that they are merely thoughts. This gives you a huge amount of perspective into your own mind. It's your doorway to connecting with who you truly are. Secondly, train your intuition. My methodology is based on the Silva Ultramind method, in which the exercises are designed as a beautiful cocktail of meditation, hypnosis and programming. Thirdly, make sure you have a (life) coach on your side. Perhaps you're plodding along just fine but not really hitting the high notes or achieving what you know you're capable of. Hiring a coach can help you get serious about the success you deserve to have, and motivate you to step it up a level to reach your true potential.

Is this something you can start with? Is your team bringing their geniuses to the workspace? What are your experiences? Leave me a message in the comment section below, I’d love to hear from you.

- W.

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